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  江蘇省無錫市斯普萊物資有限公司位于長三角風(fēng)景秀麗的太湖之濱—陶都宜興。四周山清水秀,氣候宜人。臨近104國道、新長鐵路、寧杭高速,四通發(fā)達(dá),交通便利。 我公司占地面積廣,擁有現(xiàn)代化的廠房設(shè)施,一流的先進(jìn)設(shè)備和檢測手段。專業(yè)生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品主要包括以氧化鋁、氧化鈦為基體的特種陶瓷器件,電子電器瓷件、紡織瓷件、陶瓷基片、各色九五瓷、九九瓷、高頻瓷、鈦瓷等瓷器產(chǎn)品。本公司產(chǎn)品具有機(jī)械強(qiáng)度高、硬度大、耐高溫、耐磨損、防腐蝕、絕緣性能好等特點(diǎn)?蓮V泛應(yīng)用于機(jī)械、電子、冶金、化工、紡織、建筑及航空航天等行業(yè)領(lǐng)域,產(chǎn)品行銷全國各地,并出口到歐美、東南亞等一些國家,具有很強(qiáng)的市場競爭力和影響力。 在經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化,市場一體化的今天。公司嚴(yán)格按照“顧客第一、服務(wù)至上”的經(jīng)營原則和“精誠團(tuán)結(jié)、共同發(fā)展”的企業(yè)文化要求,依托各種優(yōu)質(zhì)資源,采用ISO9001體系標(biāo)準(zhǔn),以高起點(diǎn)、高質(zhì)量為基準(zhǔn),為海內(nèi)外廣大顧客提供滿意的陶器制品。 繼往開來,我公司將以優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品、良好的信譽(yù)、極高的熱情,竭誠歡迎廣大海內(nèi)外賓朋前來洽談,共創(chuàng)美好未來! Wu Xi City Supply Materials Co.,Ltd.lies in the famous ceramic capital city YiXing,which is around the Taihu coast in JiangSu province. Around our city is verdant hills and green waters. The water, the land are convenient, about on Highway No.104, XinChang railroad, NingHang and so on, the geographical superiority. Our company cover large area, with modern factory, advanced equipments and measurement technique. Professional production companies porcelain pieces of special pottery aluminium, titanium, electronic appliances, textile porcelain pieces, ceramics based films,95 different porcelain,99porcelain ,HF porcelain, titanium porcelain. Products with high mechanical strength, hardness large, resistant to wear and tear, withstand high temperatures, chemical resistance. corrosive characteristics of the good.May widely used in machinery, electronics, chemical, textile, metallurgy, construction and aerospace fields. Our production have been sold in the whole country and exported to Occident and Southeast Asia and so on. They have strong marketability and impact. At the present of Economic globalization and Integration of word market, our company strictly observe the operating principle putting the customers in the first place and giving priority to service, acting as the enterprise culture required uniting faith and dedication and co-development . Relying on every kind excellent resource, taking ISO9001as system standard and the guideline starting from the high point and high quality, offering customers in and abroad satisfying products. To continue with the past and open up the future, our company welcome guests in and abroad with high quality products, good credit record and great enthusiasm and create bright future together.
網(wǎng)址: www.wxspl.com
版權(quán)所有 (C) 無錫市斯普萊物資有限公司  中華陶瓷網(wǎng) 提供技術(shù)支持